The Return Of Kento As The Third Kamen Rider Calibur

After I had some issues with Kamen Rider Saber early on - I think the plot twist such as the current Master Logos' betrayal (and his plan to achieve the Omniscient Tome) is getting things more interesting. What a cruel twist of fate that the current Master Logos is the true antagonist (for now) and not the Megiddo. The puppeteering of both sides of the coin is really interesting. Meanwhile, I think the mantle of Kamen Rider Calibur is now tossed around, nearly similar to how Kamen Rider Faiz did with the Kaixa belt or how Kamen Rider Kiva passed around the IXA Belt. 

Is it me or is it THAT PREDICTABLE that Touma survived? It's not the 1980s anymore where contracts seem to be lose such as the mysterious case of  Diane Martin in Battle Fever J when she left midseason, Yuki Yajima with Chodenshi Bioman when she only had nine episodes, the three generals in Kosoku Sentai Turboranger, or maybe who can forget how Jun Yoshida was eventually written off in Kamen Rider BLACK? In this case, Touma who was supposedly written off but returned as Calibur? It's very different from what happened in Kamen Rider Drive where the douchebag Mitsuhide Nira was written off. Kisuke Iida (the actor playing Nira) was given his flowers and left the set. I felt Nira should've stayed a little longer in Kamen Rider Drive. But Touma's back? Ryo Aoki's contract with Toei Ltd. is probably far from other.

The current plot has Kento taking the Calibur mantle to seal away the Holy Blades. It's all part of his plan to prevent the destruction of the world. TBH, this new Kento being dark and moody actually feels a new twist. Is it meant to add layers to Kamen Rider Saber? TBH, while I didn't like the early-on episodes but this betrayal arc is kind of interesting. Though, I do feel that I'm still going to watch this series at my own pace due to me checking out new stuff on Netflix. I might drop newer thoughts on this plot when I feel like it. 
