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Start-Up And That Sandbox Idea

Right now, I'm still watching Sandbox because of Suzy Bae though the plot is also engaging. So, how can a loser entrepreneur without ambition and a college dropout making money, well, make it? This week's two episodes reveal some things as to why Dal Mi chose to be with her father, that Do San felt he was out-of-place due to his high intellect and chooses to lose to fit in with the others, and Ji-Pyeong's possible feelings for Dal Mi since he tries to set up a fake office using his condominium unit for the still-struggling Samsam Tech.

The family estrangement really goes this way. If you remember, Dal Mi's father was a member of office abuse and divorced Dal Mi's mother. Later, Dal Mi's mother remarries a rich CEO hence In Jae's surname is changed to Won from Seo via adoption. Dal Mi can be seen to be pretty much self-sufficient but emotionally a grandma's girl. Dal Mi herself probably didn't want to get adopted by her stepfather (hence she still carries Seo) because of her paternal grandmother Won Deok. I can't blame Dal Mi for choosing her hard life, having to drop out of college to get the money she needs for a start-up, and choosing to help her grandmother's stall (which had become a bus probably due to her). I think Dal Mi is pretty much emotionally attached to her paternal grandmother. I'm just reminded of how many times I actually got emotionally attached to my paternal grandmother that I cried for days when she died of old age. Dal Mi's father later dies for forcing himself to present his idea when he could've gone to the hospital.

The sibling rivalry is further displayed at SH Capital. A program called Sandbox was because Dal Mi's father created a sandbox for the swing. Yes, that's why you see the image of a little girl on the swing in the beginning of the credits. The sandbox was created by Dal Mi's father to reduce the impact of falling from the swing. Some old scars are revisited when Won Deok meets her former daughter-in-law A-Hyun (the mother of Dal Mi and Won Deok). It seems that Won Deok still has feelings for her real father even when she has a much well-to-do adoptive father. The Hack-A-Thon showed something in which both of them can do something. However, which company will make it to the top? It looks like there's a long way to go before the start-up becomes a big company.

A typical cliche of a possible love triangle is going on between Pi Jeung and Do San for Dal Mi. I mean, it's typical in a love story that a love polygon is formed. Pi Jeung sets things up and Dal Mi feels that the former has feelings for her. Does Do San also have feelings for Dal Mi? It seems that the episodes are showing it! 
