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My Thoughts On While You Were Sleeping Episodes 29-30

Pictures taken from Drama Beans...

Yes, we're going to have the finale tomorrow and it's going to be intense. Last week's episode was pretty intense which was really thrilling. I even assumed Hong Joo the protagonist would die. But not the way things unfolded.

Jae Chan goes and rescues Hong Joo. The IV poison would kill anyone in five minutes but there was a one minute grace. Yes, Hong Joo is saved at the very last minute which puzzles me. I'm no medical expert so I don't know how to explain this one. But I'm glad Hong Joo's saved then we do have another scene that makes me think how the main villain knows how to play his cards.

I really find it amazing how Yo-BUMMER inflicted harm to himself with some dangerous drug. He makes up another convincing story to hide the truth. Yes, he murdered the IV Serial Killer to hide his own activities. This is a real good acting that deceives everyone. that's what makes Yo-BUMMER such a dangerous threat.

This makes it more satisfying to think about how Yo-BUMMER is getting his just desserts. He tries to make up a show, he kneels to mock Dae Gu and Seung Won. I really enjoyed how the villain got his just desserts. It was satisfying to see his mock humility get exposed to the people.

Good news! Hong Joo awakens after her critical condition. It was nice to see her back and later, he's discharged. Is it me or is she too much of a badass to avoid dying that easily? Now she agrees to be a witness against Yo-BUMMER.

Cut - I just thought about the imaginary scenario of Jae Chan punching Yo-BUMMER. Yes, I really wish it happened but this is not a professional way to run things. Instead, he has to stay calm and let justice take its course. Trial commences where there's a lot of dirty work going on.

I find the whole scene at the courtroom to be pretty tense. Yo-BUMMER knows how to play his cards. He also has Lawyer Go who raises up the issue of the drug to dismiss Hong Joo. Fortunately, our brilliant lawyer Jae Chan manages to throw a counterattack. Jae Chan reveals that during that time Yo-BUMMER also took the drug. This is a crucial part.

Woo Tak is secretly color blind and I love how Hong Joo manages to help him out. I hope that we get a satisfying end to the trial. I can't wait to see tomorrow's finale and wrap up my thoughts.
