Some Members Of The Meteor Garden Cast Could've Been Used In A Remake Of "The Unforgettable Character"
After thinking of how Jerry Yan and Barbie Xu-Wang both had the Chin/Liu chemistry, I felt like the Meteor Garden cast could have been for the Qiong Yao Television series. As I love to say it, Jerry Yan as Chin Han's charisma (plus I feel like he's can play as the son of both Chin Han and Liu Xue Hua) and Barbie Xu-Wang would have made a better Yi Ping than Vicki Zhao did. I felt that while watching a few scenes from "The Unforgettable Character" especially it took place in a school during a basketball game, some characters in Meteor Garden could've been used.
Though, I was thinking the following cast members could've returned as well...
I think Chin Han and Leanne Liu could've returned to act as PARENTS to the leading guy. If the series took a few years after Metero Garden - I think both of them would still have the ability to do what I wanted them to do - be Jerry's parents! Chin Han resembles Jerry in some way. Leanne could act as Jerry's mother in such a good way. I think old props could be brought back. It would be the third time Chin Han appeared in the same story if it happened - from the bad husband, the leading guy, and he could've been the father of the leading guy.
Angie Tang played Chin Han's paternal grandmother in the 1980s version - something that's pretty weird. She could've resumed her role but as Chin Han's MOTHER and Leanne's MOTHER-IN-LAW making her Jerry's paternal grandma. It would be fun if she resumed her role and no longer acted as Jerry's nanny but as his paternal grandmother.
Just another wacky post!
Just another wacky post!
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