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Showing posts from May, 2016

Some Members Of The Meteor Garden Cast Could've Been Used In A Remake Of "The Unforgettable Character"

After thinking of how Jerry Yan and Barbie Xu-Wang both had the Chin/Liu chemistry , I felt like the Meteor Garden cast could have been for the Qiong Yao Television series. As I love to say it, Jerry Yan as Chin Han's charisma (plus I feel like he's can play as the son of both Chin Han and Liu Xue Hua) and Barbie Xu-Wang would have made a better Yi Ping than Vicki Zhao did. I felt that while watching a few scenes from "The Unforgettable Character" especially it took place in a school during a basketball game, some characters in Meteor Garden could've been used. Though, I was thinking the following cast members could've returned as well... I think Chin Han and Leanne Liu could've returned to act as PARENTS to the leading guy. If the series took a few years after Metero Garden - I think both of them would still have the ability to do what I wanted them to do - be Jerry's parents! Chin Han resembles Jerry in some way. Leanne could act as Jerry's mo...