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The Unforgettable Character's Song "On The Other Side Of The Water"

Here's the song that was sung in the Qiong Yao drama (and movie) where Qin Han starred as the leading guy.  While his leading lady in the movie was Brigitte Lin, his leading lady in the series was Liu Xuehua.

Below is the lyrics of the song with the original Chinese, pinyin and English translation for non-Chinese speakers.

在水一方 (zai shui yi fang)
On The Other Side Of The Water

綠草蒼蒼 白霧茫茫
(lu cao cang cang, bai wu mang mang)
Deep green grass, endless white fog
有位佳人 在水一方
(you wei jia ren, zai shui yi fang)
A beautiful lady is on the other side of the water
綠草萋萋 白霧迷離
(lu cao qi qi, bai wu mi li)
Green grass thinning out, white fog getting blurry
有位佳人 靠水而居
(you wei jia ren, kao shui er ju)
A beautiful lady lives by the waterside.

我願逆流而上 依偎在她身旁
(wo yuan ni liu er shang, yi wei zai ta shen pang)
I am willing to go against the current, cuddling next to her
無奈前有險灘 道路又遠又長
(wu nai qian you xian tan, dao lu you yuan you chang)
Pity that there are rapid beaches, and paths far and long
我願順流而下 找尋她的方向
(wo yuan shun liu er xia, zhao xun ta de fang xiang)
I am willing to go downstream to pursue her direction
卻見依稀仿佛 她在水的中央
(que jian yi xi fang fu, ta zai shui de zhong yang)
As if vaguely seeing her stand in the middle of the water

我願逆流而上 與她輕言細語
(wo yuan ni liu er shang, yu ta qing yan xi yu)
I am willing to go against the current, and speak to her softly
無奈前有險灘 道路曲折無已
(wu nai qian you xian tan, dao lu qu zhe wu yi)
Pity that there are rapid beaches, and endless rugged roads
我願順流而下 找尋她的蹤跡
(wo yuan shun liu er xia, zhao xun ta de zong ji)
I am willing to go downstream to seek her wherabouts
卻見仿佛依稀 她在水中處以
(que jian yi xi fang fu, ta zai shui zhong chu yi)
As if vaguely seeing her stand in the middle of the water

綠草蒼蒼 白霧茫茫
(lu cao cang cang, bai wu mang mang)
Deep green grass, endless while fog
有位佳人 在水一方
(you wei jia ren, zai shui yi fang)
A beautiful lady is on the other side of the water


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