Kamen Rider Decade (as the name implies) is the TENTH Heisei era series which means it was time for an anniversary season. It was an interesting concept to have the nine Kamen Rider worlds involved namely Alternate Reality versions of Kuuga, Agito, Ryuki, Faiz, Blade, Hibiki, Kabuto, Den-O and Kiva. I personally respect Kamen Rider Decade fans and remember, I am writing on my opinion that I find this series to be poorly executed! The first scene has the original Kiva (Wataru) talking to the hero Tsukasa who must try to save the nine Rider Worlds from colliding unto each other. On paper, the whole idea was good but a lot of trashy writing really ruined the show. Now there was a budget for special effects, better acting but writing-wise it's almost as horrid as Saban's Masked Rider. I personally find this show's Alternate Reality worlds to be horridly done for most of its run especially with how Kamen Rider Agito was treated to be a loser in hiding or Kiv...
My critiques on selected East Asian drama and movies but don't expect SJW-friendly series reviews... =P