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A Comparison of Peter, Eddie and Mr. Chow- Deric Wan's Role as Villains!

Although Deric Wan is known to play mostly protagonist roles, but he also got to play antagonistic roles and I love how awesome this guy is in doing them!  Now for each of the three roles I've seen him...

Pretty much he was VERY deadly in So Close, perhaps the most dangerous role he's played and my favorite villain role from him.  So, he gets his brother assassinated, he commits adultery with his sister-in-law behind the scenes then they are later seen as lovers (they planned it TOGETHER) and the worse is how he really could get the job done well.  So he manages to get Shu Qi killed and Karen Mok arrested though everything turns against him.  In fact, this character was so evil he had to die at the end of the movie!

In Dolphin Bay, his character as Eddie the REAL antagonist of the show that showed up later as Man Qing's manager.  While he seemed a good guy to the people, he was always out there to make sure Xiao Gang doesn't succeed EVEN if it means cheating or manipulating.  Doesn't that guy have a life?  Pretty much, he really is a dirty cheat seeking only self-profit but overall, he's not like his So Close counterpart who will go as far as destroying people's lives even if it means committing murder.  I pretty much would say I hated his character Eddie with how dirty he is but pretty much made me praise Deric Wan's convincing ability thus he knows how to play one dirty villain!

100% Senorita as Peter.  So he's not really evil overall but he's a greedy, manipulative person there.  So he wasn't the mastermind behind the death of Fei Xiang's dad huh?  But one thing can't be denied- he nearly killed Fei Xiang and was a deadly playboy though he began to see the error of his ways.  Pretty much, every step of the way in this role shows just how great his acting is.

Overall, Deric Wan before he continues to step away from the limelight, he should be remembered for every great role he's done.


  1. in senorita, he wasn't the mastermind behind the death of Fei Yang (not Fei Xiang)'s dad. it's true. you must have to watch until the end of episode. really love his acting in senorita. so pretty when he was with Xiao Feng. Love can change him, perhaps in his real love life, his third marriage can change his character to be better

    1. My favorite role of him was in So Close... that was one deadly manipulative character.


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